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This collection is not just about digitising out of copyright magazines—it is about reconnecting South Africans with their heritage while making these invaluable resources accessible to researchers, educators, and the global community.
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PsycTESTS from the American Psychological Association (APA)A one-of-a-kind database of psychological tests and measures designed for use with social and behavioral science research.
Please create an account upon using the platform for the first time. Use the University Login thereafter. This style guide: addresses different possible language-related choices; discusses contemporary word preferences and language use; contains an important new section on how to compile a housestyle guide; focuses on writing reader-friendly Afrikaans texts.
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Chemical synthesis is not just tricky – it’s risky. From supply chain shortages to regulatory restrictions to safety considerations. SYNTHIA will help you reduce risk of failure in your lab : by identifying multiple, shorter, more robust pathways, which saves time and reduces costs. With a catalog of over 9 million commercially available starting materials and building blocks, SYNTHIA™ provides direct access to real-time local pricing and availability through the Sigma-Aldrich® web shop.