Contact the Manager: Digital Library Systems for any technical issues you face or should you require training.
Alternatively, Ask a librarian.
Question: How do I create more than one reading list for a course?
Answer: Once you have created your first reading list following the step by step instructions, while on your reading list in Course Reading Lists, click the Lists icon.
Click Create list and follow the instructions.
Also see:
How do I associate a reading list with a course? and How do I link to a specific reading list in a Moodle course when I have more than one reading list associated with my course?
Question: How do I associate a reading list with a course (if it is not yet associated with a course)?
Answer: On your existing reading list in Course Reading Lists, Link to course (top middle).
Select the course from the list of courses available to you to link your reading list to. If the course does not yet exist, you might have to Activate the reading list tool in Moodle first. Afterwards, associate the list with the relevant course.
Click Save to store the changes made.
Question: What if I have more than 1 reading list associated with a course and I want to add the one reading list to one topic in a course and the other reading list e.g. a list of user guides and manuals to another topic in the same course on Moodle?
Answer: You can do this by using the Share list > Copy link from Moodle functionality in your reading lists.
From your one reading list's share button (top middle), select from the Share list: Copy link for MOODLE.
Access the activated reading list tool in Moodle's Edit settings.
Paste the copied unique reading list link in the Tool URL field and Save and return to course.
Repeat the process for the other reading list which you would like to embed under another topic in your course.
If one of your students get one of the following messages when trying to access your published reading list - Unknown user id / You have not enrolled for this course or the reading list may be deleted / You are not registered for the course - please contact the Library.
Question: You might not have the number of participants when creating reading list. How do you add the number afterwards?
Answer: From the reading list menu (top middle at …), click Manage link to course
From the course menu to the right at …, click Edit
Add / update the Number of participants and Save.
Question: How do you hide a section from appearing on a reading list?
Answer: From the section menu (… to the right of the section header), click Edit section
Once you have inserted a Start date and End date, mark Display section during these dates only for the section and Save your changes.
Question: For open access articles do we need copyright access to add them to the reading list?
Answer: Slide 11 of Legitimate use of third-party content in online SU course material during the COVID-19 pandemic (Presentation by Carol Kat, Head: Copyright, Trademarks & Short Courses, Stellenbosch University) states: “Freely available on the Internet - public domain or open access (depending on the licence) – yes but freely available ≠ mean free to use”. Report usage to / obtain copyright clearance from the CHEC Publishing Liaison Office.
Question: Do I need my reading list open to use the Cite It! bookmarklet on websites?
Answer: Clicking the Cite It! bookmarklet will automatically open your reading list with the request to sign in. Clicking the bookmarklet again will provide you with the Cite It! pop-up to include your website in your reading list.
From the section you wish to link to, click the share button and select from the Share section: Copy link for MOODLE.
Access the activated reading list tool in Moodle's Edit settings.
Paste the copied unique section link in the Tool URL field and Save and return to course.
Repeat the process for the other sections you would like to link from the course outline.
Currently, like a number of other activities/tools in Moodle, Course Reading Lists is not zero-rated.