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Open Access Textbooks: Course Reading lists & SUNLearn

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Course Reading lists

It is possible to add links to Open Textbooks via the Library's Course Reading Lists in SUNLearn.

Course Reading lists have many benefits, such as monitoring the usage of these resources by students.

As a lecturer, lecturer’s assistant, course facilitator you can take these three steps for yourself and your students to benefit from this service.

Any technical issues or training needs?

Contact the Manager: Digital Library Systems for any technical issues you face or should you require training.


"The course reading lists have really improved our lives!" DR LIZE WEICH, SENIOR LECTURER - MEDICAL SPECIALIST, PSYCHIATRY

"I am really enjoying using the course reading list, it has been working really well for me and my students." DR LOBKE STEYN, LECTURER, ANIMAL SCIENCES

"Our SUNLearn tends to be very cluttered. We were looking for something that can be easy to find, easy to add and to update during the semester." MS ANRIA VAN ZYL, SENIOR LECTURER, SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY

"I've found the use of reading lists very useful. It is a convenient way to organise learning material. It makes the material readibly available to students." DR ERIC MASHIMBYE, LECTURER, GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES

"Ek [het] nogal ‘n beter idee van studente se leesgedrag by wyse van die interaktiewe biblioteek-leeslys!" [I have a better idea of students' reading behaviour by means of the interactive library reading list!] MS KARLIEN CONRADIE, LECTURER, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY

"If you link directly to a source, you don't have to get copyright clearance which is awesome." MS ANRIA VAN ZYL, SENIOR LECTURER, SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY

"Cite It! is a very convenient, easy and fast way to add resources". DR ERIC MASHIMBYE, LECTURER, GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES

"Tags are very helpful. Students can clearly see the essential stuff, what I recommend for their use." MS ANRIA VAN ZYL, SENIOR LECTURER, SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY