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Molecular Biology and Human Genetics: Training, Videos and Webinars

Welcome to our Library training, videos and webinars page

Find detail and make a booking for any of the Library's 2022  #SmartResearcher Webinars workshops (which will continue via MS Teams). This series of generic library training workshops is designed to address all the important aspects of the research process. Visit the #SmartResearcher Webinars page for a full description of the sessions and to make a booking.

MHS Library Training Webinars: Recordings

Recap or catch up on the MHSL webinar training sessions. The following videos are available further below in this order/ you could also follow the hypertext link where available:

Should you experience problems in opening up the videos, you are welcome to contact IT and request downloading of Microsoft365 as this may help.

Otherwise, you are welcome to contact your friendly librarians for assistance.

Training Videos and Webinars (pre-recordings)

Register for a Library workshop

Overview tutorials, Libguides & workshops

Tutorials & Worth to know