1. Visit the SU Software HUB by clicking here and sign in using your SU credentials.
2. Open the EndNote 21 folder and select the macOS folder:
3. Click on the EndNote21Installer.dmg file:
4. Then click on Download.
5. Once it has downloaded, click on Downloads and click on the install file:
NB!! Make sure that MS Word and Outlook are closed when you begin to install EndNote.
6. Double click on Install EndNote 21:
7. If you get the following prompt "'Install EndNote 21' is an app downloaded from the internet. Are you sure you want to open it?" Click on Open:
8. Then click on Install
9. When prompted, enter the Product Key. It can be copied from the text file in the Software HUB.
10. Enter your name and Stellenbosch University as the organisation.
11. If you wish, read through the Terms and Conditions and then accept the Licence Agreement.
12. At Customization, keep the checked boxes as is:
13. Enter your Mac password to allow EndNote to make the necessary changes.
14. Once the installation is finished, open EndNote and download any updates if required.
15. The final step is for you to create an EndNote library. At the EndNote toolbar on the top left of the screen, click on File>New:
16. EndNote gives a new library the default name 'My EndNote Library', but you can name it whatever you wish.
17. Very, very important: Make sure that you save the library on your Mac's HardDrive and not on iCloud or any other cloud drive. This is essential to avoid the potential corruption of your library.
18. Once your library is created, it will open automatically and you can continue to use EndNote from there.