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Conservation Ecology and Entomology: Crop Production 478

This guide is intended to help students studying conservation ecology and entomology with basic library skills and how to use information resources

Searching effectively

CRAAP test

Literature Review Series - watch for a recap

Watch this 6 part Literature Review Playlist for help with how to do a literature review from the start. 

Training slides

Feedback on articles - structure

Summarise your article in one paragraph for feedback to the class addressing the following:

What is the research question or hypothesis? How did they approach / test it? What were the conclusions? What do you think is important / novel about this article?

Articles for analysing

Group 1: Branca, G., Lipper, L., McCarthy, N. and Jolejole, M.C., 2013. Food security, climate change, and sustainable land management. A review. Agronomy for sustainable development33, pp.635-650. Available:

Group 2: Bagnall, D.K., Shanahan, J.F., Flanders, A., Morgan, C.L. and Honeycutt, C.W., 2021. Soil health considerations for global food security. Agronomy Journal113(6), pp.4581-4589. Available:

Group 3: Joshi, D.R., Ghimire, R., Kharel, T., Mishra, U. and Clay, S.A., 2021. Conservation agriculture for food security and climate resilience in Nepal. Agronomy Journal113(6), pp.4484-4493.. Available:

Group 4: Campbell, B.M., Vermeulen, S.J., Aggarwal, P.K., Corner-Dolloff, C., Girvetz, E., Loboguerrero, A.M., Ramirez-Villegas, J., Rosenstock, T., Sebastian, L., Thornton, P.K. and Wollenberg, E., 2016. Reducing risks to food security from climate change. Global Food Security11, pp.34-43. Available:

Group 5: Ingram, J.S.I., Gregory, P.J. and Izac, A.M., 2008. The role of agronomic research in climate change and food security policy. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment126(1-2), pp.4-12. Available:

Group 6: Chakraborty, S. and Newton, A.C., 2011. Climate change, plant diseases and food security: an overview. Plant pathology60(1), pp.2-14. Available:

Group 7: Gregory, P.J., Johnson, S.N., Newton, A.C. and Ingram, J.S., 2009. Integrating pests and pathogens into the climate change/food security debate. Journal of experimental botany60(10), pp.2827-2838. Available:

Group 8: Arnold, S.E., Elisante, F., Mkenda, P.A., Tembo, Y.L., Ndakidemi, P.A., Gurr, G.M., Darbyshire, I.A., Belmain, S.R. and Stevenson, P.C., 2021. Beneficial insects are associated with botanically rich margins with trees on small farms. Scientific reports11(1), pp.1-11. Available:

Group 9: Imakando, C.I., Fernández-Grandon, G.M., Singleton, G.R. and Belmain, S.R., 2023. Vegetation cover and food availability shapes the foraging activity of rodent pests in and around maize fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment347, p.108363. Available:

Group 10: Ebrahimi, L., Aminian, H., Etebarian, H.R. and Sahebani, N., 2012. Control of apple blue mould disease with Torulaspora delbrueckii in combination with Silicon. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection45(17), pp.2057-2065. Available:

Group 11: Rodriguez-Ramos, J.C., Scott, N., Marty, J., Kaiser, D. and Hale, L., 2022. Cover crops enhance resource availability for soil microorganisms in a pecan orchard. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment337, p.108049. Available:

Group 12: Arbuckle, J.G. and Roesch-McNally, G., 2015. Cover crop adoption in Iowa: The role of perceived practice characteristics. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation70(6), pp.418-429. Available:

Group 13: Navarro‐Llopis, V., Primo, J. and Vacas, S., 2013. Efficacy of attract‐and‐kill devices for the control of Ceratitis capitata. Pest management science69(4), pp.478-482. Available:

Referencing: South African Journal of Plant and Soil Science