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Chemistry & Polymer Science: Finding articles / databases

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2) Search A-Z list of e-journals by journal title, OR
3)  Search article titles on Google Scholar  
4) Enhance your search strategies with Google Scholar

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Key databases for Chemistry and Polymer Science


SciFinder-n  The choice for chemistry research: a one-stop search for: substances (editor for chemical structure drawing available), reactions, journal references, MethodsNow, retrosynthesis planning,  patents, and commercial source data.
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* Synthia 

This retrosynthesis database develops synthetic routes using expert-coded rules based on proven chemical transformations. 

Cambridge Crystallographic Database
Comprehensive and up-to-date database of crystal structures

Scopus from Elsevier is a comprehensive abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Features tools to track, analyse and visualize research and provides bibliometrics for researchers' output. Also includes Medline (PubMed). Lists substances with search results
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Full text chemistry books & property searches, equations, unit converter searches, interactive periodic table and many more tools!

Web of Science
Web of Science provides access to Science Citation Index and Journal Citation Reports. Features tools to track, analyse and visualize research and provides bibliometrics for researchers' output.
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Science Direct is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters
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