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Mathematics: Managing my references with software tools


SU ENDNOTE subscription starts January 2024. Visit the SoftwareHUB to download a 30-day trial
The library will offer support and training in how to migrate from Mendeley or Zotero to EndNote.
For more information visit the EndNote Library Guide

Mendeley Reference Manager


With Mendeley Reference Manager you can store and organize all your references. Seamlessly insert references and bibliographies using Mendeley Write-and-Cite. Read, highlight and annotate uploaded PDFs, and keep all your thoughts across multiple documents in one place. Create groups for collaboration.

 Create a free Mendeley account
 Download the new Mendeley Reference Manager Desktop

Mendeley @SU library guide
How To Use Mendeley Reference Manager (Complete Beginner's Guide)
Mendeley YouTube Tutorials
Mendeley help guides

How to use Mendeley to automatically manage and sync Latex/BibTeX references

Mendeley can make referencing in LaTeX very easy and automated. Learn to create a BibTeX file from your library of references in Mendeley and sync the BibTeX file so that any changes in Mendeley are reflected in the file automatically.
Watch video created by Jamez Azam, PhD candidate in Mathematics, Stellenbosch University



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