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Military Science : FAQs

This guide provides information on how to find sources regarding Military Science

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Report your off-campus e-access problem by submitting a question to Ask a Librarian.

Off-campus Access

Do I have to register at the Library for off-campus e-access?

No. As a student you are registered for electronic services such as network, email, internet and access to the Library's electronic resources and your library account to renew your books online, as soon as you are registered for the current academic year. When off-campus and prompted to login, log on with your SU network Username and Password.

How do I access the Library e-resource from off-campus?

Visit our library homepage and type your search terms​ in the search box​ or click on E-Databases or E-Journals A-Z list under the FIND menu. When off-campus and prompted to login, authenticate yourself with your SU network Username and Password.

How do I access and download eBooks?

Use our LibGuide for eBooks.

My username and password are correct, but why can I still not
 login from off-campus

If you still experience login problems, see guide on Password problems for common password problems related to accessing the Library's e-resources from off-campus.

Why do I get a blank page when I attempted to visit the Library website from my office?

In most cases, this has to do with a firewall blocking of the specific website you try to access. If you already cleared your cache (see How to clear your cache) contact your IT division to find out if academic sites are blocked via the firewall at your work place.

What is a firewall and why can't I access the Library e-resources from my work?

A firewall is a security feature that protects the network environment of organisations. Some government employers and private companies often have these firewalls in place to limit access to their private networks. This often conflicts with some of the licensing agreements Stellenbosch University has with some of the suppliers of the electronic resources we use. In the event that you cannot access our resources from your work computer, use an alternate method.

What other factors might affect me not having access?

  • Bandwidth - the rate at which data is transfered could result in a session timing out
  • Security settings on the computer
  • Conflict with Anti-Virus software

I am busy with research for my PhD, how do I get off-campus e-access?

In order to obtain off-campus access to the library's e-resources, prospective postgraduate students need to apply online to be enrolled as a network registered prospective postgraduate student at Stellenbosch University, see Off-campus electronic access.

have graduated last year, can I still get off-campus access to the library's e-journals?

Unfortunately not. The Library's academic subscription agreements with publishers and aggregators do not allow for this arrangement. ​​​​​Off-campus electronic access to the library e-resources is restricted to Stellenbosch University staff members and currently registered Stellenbosch University students

Can Alumni get off-campus e-access?

Unfortunately not. The Library's academic subscription agreements with publishers and aggregators do not allow for this arrangement. ​​​​​Off-campus electronic access to the library e-resources is restricted to Stellenbosch University staff members and currently registered Stellenbosch University students.