SUNScholar is an openly accessible electronic archive for the collection, preservation and distribution of digital materials created by members of Stellenbosch University, which are of great academic research importance.
An alphabetical list with historical dissertations between 1929-1977 is available on SUNScholar Research Repository:
Alfabetiese lyste van proefskrifte van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1929-1977
According to Stellenbosch University's plagiarism policy, Master's and doctoral students must submit their thesis or dissertation to Turnitin (or a similar similarity detector) before submitting it for examination. The Postgraduate Skills Turnitin Sandbox is a safe space where you can submit your paper multiple times to improve your writing. Your work is compared to the extensive Turnitin database without going into the Turnitin repository.
Theses & Dissertations
Helpful resources to assist you in formatting and laying out your thesis or dissertation. Provided by the Division for Research Development.
The Post Graduate & International Office compiled a list of freelance editors who offer editing services for theses, dissertations or proposals at a fee. Please contact them directly regarding their rates.