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Support for postgraduate students and researchers: Where to publish

This guide is for AgriScience postgrad students and researchers - to support them in their research journey

Where to Publish

Useful Tips

Accredited Journals

Accredited Journals are recognised research output that meets the specific criteria set by the Department of Higher Education (DHET) in South Africa. Once a journal meets the DHET requirements, a subsidy is awarded to the academic institution. Should you consider to publish in a journal visit the Division for Research Development at Stellenbosch University to view the DHET list

Open Access Journals

The aim of the DOAJ is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals, thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. The DOAJ aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use a quality control system to guarantee the content. In short, the DOAJ aims to be THE one stop shop for users of open access journals. Access Directory of Open Access Journals

Journal Metrics

Journal Citation reports are used to provide information about academic journals  as well its impact factors. Visit the sites listed below to search for the journal you are wishing to publish in:

Consider the following

   Always check any journal on the accredited list before you submit your paper

Finding journals to publish in

You can find journals to publish in using Scopus, Web of Science or (for Open Access journals) DOAJ.

The videos below demonstrate how to find Open Access journals relating to plant science in DOAJ and Scopus.

Identifying predatory journals

Think. Check. Submit. is a great tool to help you figure out if a journal is predatory - it lists all the questions you should be asking.

Predatory Journals

Predatory Journals

Identifying predatory journals

Predatory Journals vs Legitimate Journals

Predatory journals vs legitimate journals