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Intercultural Communication 113 for Engineering: Home

Head: Engineering and Forestry Library

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Naomi Visser
Engineering and Forestry Library
Private Bag X5036
South Africa

Where to find credible sources for your assigment

  • Library Catalogue
    Find books (print and electronic) as well as peer-reviewed articles.
  • Scopus
    A comprehensive database of peer-reviewed literature.
    Training material
  • Engineering Village: Compendex
    An interdisciplinary engineering and applied science database. Apart from all the engineering disciplines, coverage includes applied physics, astronomy, bioengineering, biotechnology,
    materials science and nanotechnology
  • IEEE Xplore
    The IEEE Xplore digital library provides access to scientific and technical content published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and its publishing partners. The content covers electrical engineering, computer science, biotechnology, telecommunications, power and energy, and electronics.
  • Knovel
    Scientific and engineering handbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries
  • Access Engineering
    An engineering reference and teaching platform that provides access to the latest editions of renowned engineering handbooks and textbooks.
  • Google Scholar
    With Google Scholar you can search across many disciplines and sources for scholarly literature. Consult the Google and Google Scholar Libguide for guidelines on how to use Google Scholar effectively.