

Use only Google Chrome
Instructions for Stellenbosch students using Eighty20
• Click on the Eighty20 link and then on ‘Free Trial’ in the upper right corner to get access to the Eighty20 Data Portal.
• Use only your Stellenbosch email address and don’t share access with another student.
• Enter your full name and details, where it says ‘Notes’ put in SUN and the year you graduate.
• Do this on a workday between 9AM and 5PM.
• If you follow these instructions, you will have full access within 24 hours. If not, you will be switched off within days. Please note, your full access will not contain EVERY dataset (MAPS)
• email us only if you have problems at suliseresources@sun.ac.za. The email MUST be from your SUN email and it MUST contain a screen shot of the problem (ie. not a just statement like ‘It isn't working’)
• Use the Help guide.
• When you return to Stellenbosch in January, log in from Stellenbosch and it will tell you your access has expired. Either email us, or wait until we switch you back on. Again, if you do it from Deloitte, or from home, it won’t work.
Read this carefully:
Stellenbosch has paid for you to access this data. If you use it after you leave Stellenbosch, this is called FRAUD. Just like downloading music and movies, it is actually illegal, and can be punishable by law.
If you enjoyed using the portal, apply for a job:
