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Music: Plagiarism and Copyright


"Plagiarism is the theft and use of the ideas, material and other intellectual property of others that are passed off as one’s own." SU Senate. 2010. Stellenbosch University policy on academic integrity: the prevention and handling of plagiarism [Internet]. Stellenbosch University. Available: [2017, 16 February].

"Plagiaat is die oorneem en gebruik van die idees, materiaal en ander intellektuele eiendom van ander persone asof dit jou eie werk is. Plagiaat word ook letterdiefstal genoem." US Beleid met betrekking tot Akademiese Integriteit: Die voorkoming en hantering van Plagiaat [Internet]. Stellenbosch Universiteit. Beskikbaar: [2017, 16 Februarie].


May I copy a complete music score, book, article or sound recording?

For answers to these questions, please see the links below.