This page contains general information for researchers, undergraduate and postgraduate students. It is a general page to orientate students and researchers with the extra administration pertaining to their studies and research. It also includes additional information pertaining to the research process. The information on this page consists only of excerpts - please follow the links provided at the various sections for complete details.
Further suggestions for this page and guide can be directed to Santie de Jongh (, or you can make use of the form on the feedback page.
University Almanac
Exam & term dates
Graduation dates
Publication of dissertations
Master's theses: Format (fonts, length of abstracts, declarations, copyright, plagiarism, etc.), submission and duplication (binding or electronic formats) - See SU Calendar - Policies and Rules, Part 1 (General)
Doctoral dissertations: Format (fonts, length of abstracts, declarations, copyright, plagiarism, etc.), submission and duplication (binding or electronic formats) - See SU Calendar - Policies and Rules, Part 1 (General)
Watermarks (SU Crest):
The SUNScholar team will add the crest to all Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations after submission of the finalized PDF through the electronic ETD system.
The Grants Register is available at the JS Gericke Library, Reference section (R378.305GRA) and the Postgraduate Student Funding Office.
Links to Stellenbosch University Language Centre resouces: Language style guide, bilingual and multilingual terminology lists and glossaries.
Time to hand in your thesis/dissertation?
The Postgraduate Examinations Office (PEO) manages certain aspects of the examination of Doctoral and Master's candidates in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
The procedure for submission of doctoral dissertations and Master's theses is as follows:
Please see the link below for contact details and further information.
Registration dates
How to register
Resources (contact and location)
All researchers and students at Stellenbosch University (SU) need to obtain approval from the Research Ethics Committe for human, animal, health, biosafety and environmental research.
Note: There are two deadlines for each session: an earlier date for the respective department (for example, the Music Department) and a later date for the Research Ethics Committee. Please ensure that you submit to the respective department (Music Department) some time before the earlier date as your completed application will still need to be approved by the respective department (Music Department) before it is sent to the Research Ethics Committee.
Applications are to be submitted electronically:
1. Student completes application form and notifies supervisor.
2. Supervisor checks information and signs off to Head of Department.
3. Head of Department checks information and signs off to Ethical Clearance Committee.
This guide gives an overview of the different phases and activities of a research project, information sources, facilities and services that offer support.
My studies
My e-mail
My Maties
My library
Wifi printing
Code of Conduct: Supervisor and Student
Stellenbosch University has drafted a code of conduct for guiding the relationship between supervisor and student.
See 'Students' - 'Calendar / Yearbooks' - Policies and Rules - Part 1, General'.
Table of contents: Postgraduate qualifications - 'Code of conduct guiding the relationship between supervisor and student'.
Stellenbosch Universiteit het 'n gedragskode opgestel oor die verhouding tussen studieleier en student.
Sien 'Studente' - 'Jaarboeke' - 'Beleide en Reëls - Deel 1, Algemeen'.
Inhoudsopgawe: Nagraadse kwalifikasies - 'Gedragskode: Studieleier/promotor en student'.
All thesis and dissertation submissions should be accompanied by a Turnitin receipt to show that the document has been checked for plagiarism. To check your thesis / dissertation for similarity and to generate the receipt, please follow these steps:
(Guidelines provided by Gerhard Roux.)
See link below for Turnitin guidelines.
For any further problems, contact SUNLearn directly: or Ph: +27 21 808-2222.
Alle tesisse en dissertasies moet vergesel word van 'n Turnitin kwitansie wanneer dit ingehandig word om te wys dat die dokument nagegaan is vir plagiaat. Om u tesis / dissertasie na te gaan vir ooreenstemming met ander bronne volg asseblief hierdie stappe:
(Riglyne verskaf deur Gerhard Roux.)
Sien onderstaande skakel vir Turnitin riglyne.
Indien enige verder probleme, kontak SUNLearn direk: of Tel.: +27 21 808-2222.