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Off-campus Access for Stellenbosch Registered Users: FAQs

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Do I have to register for a library account for off-campus electronic access?

No. As a student you are registered for electronic services such as network, email, internet and access to the Library's electronic resources and your library account to renew your books online, as soon as you are registered for the current academic year.
When off-campus and prompted to sign-on, sign in with your campus Username and Password. 

I am busy with research from my PhD, how do I get off-campus e-access?

In order to obtain off-campus access to the library's e-resources, prospective postgraduate students need to apply online to be enrolled as a network registered prospective postgraduate student at Stellenbosch University, see Off-campus electronic access.

Postgraduates can apply online​ for submission through the University's application system (SUNStudent applicant portal). This proces​s is handled by the University's Admission Office.
>>See How to Apply.

I have graduated last year, can I still get off-campus access to the library's e-journals?

Unfortunately not. The Library's academic subscription agreements with publishers and aggregators do not allow for this arrangement. ​​​​​Off-campus electronic access to the library e-resources is restricted to Stellenbosch University staff members and currently registered Stellenbosch University students.

Can Alumni get access to the library's subscription e-resources?

Unfortunately not. The Library's academic subscription agreements with publishers and aggregators do not allow for this arrangement. ​​​​​Off-campus electronic access to the library e-resources is restricted to Stellenbosch University staff members and currently registered Stellenbosch University students.