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Migrating from RefWorks to Mendeley: Home

Moving your references form RefWorks to Mendeley

Cancellation of RefWorks

Effective 1 January 2018, the University Library is cancelling its subscription to RefWorks. The decision was based on the fact that the Library already supports Mendeley, a reference manager that is available free of charge. Over the last few years the number of RefWorks users at Stellenbosch University has dropped while that of Mendeley is growing. In the near future current RefWorks users will have to learn to use the new version of RefWorks and will have to transfer their references from the legacy version to the new RefWorks. They may as well transfer their records to, and learn to use, Mendeley.

We understand that this is a big change, but we are hopeful that with this early notice, RefWorks users will have ample time to transition to another tool.

Anyone with a RefWorks account will have to transfer to another tool of their choice before the end of December 2017.

Options for moving your RefWorks content to another citation management tool are outlined in this LibGuide. Please contact your Faculty Librarian with any questions or requests for assistance or attend one of the Mendeley training sessions indicated under Mendeley@SU on this LibGuide

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Yusuf Ras
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