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Business Management: Fin Man 244- 2024

Referencing assistance

Use the Stellenbosch Harvard Style guide to ensure you are referencing correctly. 

A few referencing tips:

  • Know the Referencing Style that you are using, Mendeley does not replace knowledge
  • Make sure what you are referencing, different material types are displayed differently in the bibliography
  • Makes sure that your in-text citations match your bibliography
  • Most important, be CONSISTENT

Why is referencing important?

  • links what you have read and what you have written
  • shows that you have read widely around your subject area or topic and speak with authority
  • demonstrates that you building on the work of others
  • acknowledges the sources you have used
  • protects you from any charges of copying or plagiarism

Where can I get referencing help or training?
Consult the library guide - Find, access and use information effectively: a step-by-step guide: Use responsibly: Why cite and reference?

"Plagiarism is the theft and use of the ideas, material and other intellectual property of others that are passed off as one’s own." SU Senate. 1 Dec 2016. Stellenbosch University policy on academic integrity: the prevention and handling of plagiarism [Internet]. Stellenbosch University. Available: Policy document. [2017, 1 February].

Where can I get help or training?
Consult the library guide -  Find, access and use information effectively: a step-by-step guide: Plagiarism

Are students allowed to use ChatGPT and other AI Tools?

Check with your lecturer first! 
And follow the guidance from your lecturers. Some lecturers will allow the use of AI tools like ChatGPT, while other will not allow the use of such tools.

 Artificial intelligence should be viewed as a tool that can aid learning  and should be used in an ethical way. Do not copy word-for-word or claim any AI-generated content as your own work. This is plagiarism.

AI Use Disclosure Statement
The EMS Faculty recommends that AI use be declared, and it includes a student declaration form, that requires an indication of the AI tools used, as well as where and what it were used for, and a justification for claims that the work is the student’s own.

Accountability (including the ideas of acknowledgement and attribution)
You are responsible for what you create and how it impacts others and society. AI tools don't have accountability. It is thus your responsibility to ensure that work submitted under your name is factually correct.
You may use AI tools to assist where relevant, but not to complete the assignment on your behalf.

Your use of AI tools/ systems should be ethical and responsible and should comply with academic integrity standards
You should clearly and honestly declare the use of AI tools and their outputs as well as the extent of the use.

Writing Tips and Support for your research

Watch this 6 part Literature Review Playlist for help with how to do a literature review from the start. 

Literature Review training notes, Tips and Tricks  by Elizabeth Moll-Willard


Literature Review training notes, Tips and Tricks compiled by Elizabeth Moll-Willard

If you are using Microsoft Word, make use of the built in tools that will help you.

These tools include the following:

  • Inserting page numbers, and differentiating between different pages (such as (i), (ii), 1, 2)
  • Using the table of contents generator to automatically create a table of contents and designate headings
  • Inserting footnotes and cross-referencing

Writing laboratory / Language services

Do you want to improve your writing? Are you looking for writing support? The Writing Lab is there for you!

Book a free writing consultation
Writing skills workshops
Writing groups

Find Company or industry information

Search in databases Marketline, Business Source ,SA Media  and LexisNexis for information about your business, or companies with related business.

Hanlie Strydom

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Judy Williams
Stellenbosch University Library
Desk 7 (Lower Level)
+27(0) 21 808 9576