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Political Science: Referencing

Stellenbosch Harvard Referencing Style and Examples

This section is based on:

  • Lourens, A. c2007. Scientific writing skills: Guidelines for writing theses and dissertations. Stellenbosch: SUN Press. [Examples used with permission from the author].
  • Van Dyk, T. & Coetzee, M. 2010. Maak sin van verwysings: Die Harvard-, APA- en Vancouver-metode en die voetnootstelsel. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch Universiteit Taalsentrum. [Voorbeelde met toestemming van die outeurs. Sien e-boeke A-Z lys en kliek onder M.].
  • Van Dyk, T. & Coetzee, M. 2010. Make sense of referencing: The Harvard, APA and Vancouver methods and footnote system. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University Language Centre. [Examples used with permission from the authors. See e-books A-Z list and click on M.].

Examples are arranged alphabetically according to publication type. Some duplication exists to cover varieties of terminologies, for example 'periodical' and 'journal'.

For the addition of examples that are not represented in this list (see, for example, areas marked with '?'), please contact Santie de Jongh ( with further examples to be added.


Click on the Alphabet down below eg. B for Books


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



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