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Education: Journals

What is an academic/peer-reviewed article?

Peer-reviewed or academic articles are articles written by academics/experts/researchers on a specific field of study. These articles usually contain a bibliography at the end of the article and information on the author’s academic qualifications and university at the beginning of the article. A peer-reviewed journal article was reviewed by people with credentials in the article's field of study before being accepted for publication.


Interlibrary loans

e-Journals A-Z list

Alphabetical list of all the electronic journals that the SU Library Service subscribes to.

Key journals for Faculty of Education

Predatory Journals and Conferences

Shamseer et al identifies 13 evidence-based characteristics by which predatory journals may potentially be distinguished from presumed legitimate journals. These may be useful for authors who are assessing journals for possible submission.The 13 characteristics are summarized in this article.

Useful library links

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