Only for SU postgraduate students and staff. Please note there are specifications for the use of these tests.
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Reference shelves lower level - green disks
Measures for clinical practice: a Sourcebook vol1(complete instruments) & 2
Shelf number: R 616.89075 COR
Measures of personality and social psychological attitudes
Shelf number: R155.28 MEA
Tests in Print
Shelf number: R155.28 TES
Mental Measurements Yearbook
Shelf number: R155.2805 MEN
Directory of unpublished mental measures
Shelf number: R153.93025 GOL
Handbook of family measurement techniques vol 1-3 (complete instruments)
Shelf number: R155.28 HAN
Handbook of tests and measurement in education and the social sciences (questionaires)
Shelf number: R371.26 LES
Rating scales in mental health
Shelf number: R616.89075 SAJ