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Psychology: 2024 Psychology 114 - Assignment / Sielkunde 114 - Opdrag

Assignment / Opdrag

Why is it important to question the relevance of psychology in 2024 for the South African context?

To answer this question, the assignment must include the following 3 components:

  1. an introduction (one paragraph – no less and no more than 6 to 10 lines)
  2. the main body of the essay – which consists of the following:

2.1) how did apartheid shape psychology in South Africa before and after 1994 (one page);

2.2) about psychology’s production of knowledge in South Africa, discuss (a) the types of knowledge psychology produces, (b) the interests and values attached to this knowledge; and, (c) exactly how this knowledge includes and excludes specific groups of people (one and a half pages);

2.3) consider the recent expose of “Wilgenhof”, a men’s residence at Stellenbosch University - identify one strength and one weakness about how psychology, as a science, would explain Wilgenhof’s role in harbouring ritualistic practices that have consequences for producing ongoing social problems like violence, racism, sexism and homophobia in South Africa (one and a half pages);

  1. and, a conclusion (one paragraph – no less and no more than 6 to 10 lines).

Students are urged to think carefully about engaging with the above 3 components because they are intended to simplify, breakdown and structure how the essay is written. Students must take note that it is important for the person reading/marking the essay to see that each component is discussed clearly, concisely, and coherently, by creating a systematic and logical argument.

Hoekom is dit belangrik om in 2024 die toepaslikheid van sielkunde vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te bevraagteken?

Ten einde hierdie vraag te beantwoord, moet die opstel die volgende 3 komponente insluit: 

  1. ‘n inleiding (een paragraaf – nie minder as 6 en nie meer as 10 reëls nie).
  2. die kerngedeelte van die opstel – wat uit die volgende 3 besprekings bestaan:
    1.  hoe het apartheid sielkunde in Suid-Afrika voor en na 1994 gevorm (een bladsy);
    2.  in terme van sielkunde se produksie van kennis in Suid-Afrika, bespreek (a) die tipes van kennis wat sielkunde voortbring, (b) die belanges en waardes wat aan hierdie kennis gekoppel word; en (c) presies hoe hierdie kennis spesifieke groepe mense insluit en uitsluit (een en ‘n halwe bladsy);
    3. dink na oor die onlangse expose van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se manskoshuis “Wilgenhof” – identifiseer een sterk punt en een swak punt van hoe sielkunde, as ‘n wetenskap, Wilgenhof se rol in die handhawing van ritualistiese praktyke, wat gevolge het vir die voortbring van langdurige sosiale probleme soos geweld, rassisme, seksisme en homofobie in Suid-Afrika, sou verduidelik (een en ‘n halwe bladsy);
  3. en ‘n slot (een paragraaf - nie minder as 6 en nie meer as 10 reëls nie).

Studente word aangemoedig om goed na te dink oor bogenoemde 3 punte, aangesien hulle bedoel is om die skryf van die opstel te vereenvoudig, uiteen te sit en te struktureer. Studente moet in ag neem dat dit vir die persoon wat die opstel lees/merk belangrik is om te sien dat elke komponent duidelik, bondig en samehangend bespreek is deur middel van ‘n sistematiese en logiese argument.

Psychology 114 - Assignment

How to find a Journal article

For further readings and articles

If you would like to read a bit more on the topic of your assignment you are welcome to copy and paste  any of these search strings in Google Scholar for extra journal articles.

apartheid AND psychology AND "south africa"

knowledge production AND psychology AND education AND “south Africa”

race AND gender AND psychology AND "south africa"

Google Scholar: (copy and paste these search strings into Google Scholar)

initiation at university stellenbosch residences

effect AND (initiation OR orientation) AND (university students OR college students)  AND residences

Please see down below the guides on how to use the databases as well as links to the databases

NB Watch the video on Google Scholar to see How to link to Stellenbosch full text articles @Stellenbosch University

Have a look at the videos on how to use the databases

Sielkunde 114 - Opdrag

Hoe om 'n tydskrifartikel te vind

Vir verdere leeswerk en artikels

Indien jy graag meer wil lees oor die onderwerp van jou opdrag is jy welkom om enige van die volgende soekstringe in Google Scholar in te tik vir nog tydskrifartikels

apartheid AND psychology AND "south africa"

knowledge production AND psychology AND education AND “south Africa”

race AND gender AND psychology AND "south africa"

Google Scholar: (copy and paste die soekstring in Google Scholar )

initiation at university stellenbosch residences

effect AND (initiation OR orientation) AND (university students OR college students)  AND residences

Sien onder die gidse oor hoe om die databasisse te gebruik sowel as skakels  na die databasisse

NB Kyk asseblief na die video oor Google Scholar. Daar sal jy sien hoe om Google Scholar te stel sodat jy by die volteks artikels wat via Stellenbosch Universiteit vir julle beskikbaar is.

Kyk na die videos oor hoe om die databasisse te gebruik