If the full text of an article is not available on a particular database, use the link below the reference to find out whether the article is available in full text elsewhere on the SU network.
If an article is not available at SU, it can be requested from another library via the Interlibrary loan request form. This form is also available on the library homepage under Quick links.
Alphabetical list of all the electronic journals that the SU Library Service subscribes to
Peer-reviewed or academic articles are articles written by academics/experts/researchers on a specific field of study. These articles usually contain a bibliography at the end of the article and information on the author’s academic qualifications and university at the beginning of the article. A peer-reviewed journal article was reviewed by people with credentials in the article's field of study before being accepted for publication.
A database is an electronic index to journal or magazine articles, containing citations, abstracts and often either the full text of the articles, or links to the full text.