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Afrikaans & Nederlands: 2024 Opdrag: Afrikaans en Nederlands 178


Moontlike artikels

Fourie, L., & du Plessis, N. (2022) The function of electoral communication in a developing democracy: the case of South Africa. Journal of Public Affairs: Special Issue Aspects of public affairs in a changing continent: African perspectives, 11(4)

 Fox, C.A. (2022) 'Visualizing Politics in Indonesia: The Design and Distribution of Election Posters', International journal of communication [Online], 16, 4187+, available: (kopieër die skakel in Google in)

Lynnette M. Fourie (2008) South African election posters: Reflecting the maturing of a democracy?, Communicatio, 34:2, 222-237, DOI: 10.1080/02500160802456163

Pretorius, D. (2021). President, Preacher and Populist: ANC, DA and EFF leader posters of the 2019 South African Elections. Critical Arts, 35(2), 16-38.

Schott, M., & Wolf, J. (2018). Election poster persuasion: Attitude formation in the void. Social Psychology, 49(1), 3–15.


Archer, A., & Stent, S. (2011). Red socks and purple rain: the political uses of colour in late apartheid South Africa. Visual Communication10(2), 115-128.

Billard, T.J. (2016) 'Fonts of potential: areas for typographic research in political communication', International journal of communication [Online], 01 Sep, 4570+, available:

Corrigall-Brown, C. (2012). The Power of Pictures: Images of Politics and Protest. American Behavioral Scientist56(2), 131-134.

Moontlike sleutelwoorde

Political posters AND (colour OR images OR symbols OR typography) AND message

political posters AND communication AND "SOUTH AFRICA"

political posters AND communication AND (AMERICA OR USA)

Politics AND posters AND visual communication

Elections posters AND visual communication

Election posters

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