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School of Accountancy: CIMA Hons

Group 1

Uncovering the Seasonal Fluctuations of The Motus Group

Suggested keywords:  

  • "car rentals" AND (fluctuation OR trends OR season) AND "fleet management"
  • "rental demand" AND forecasting AND "fleet management"
  • ("second-hand vehicle" OR pre-owned OR "previously owned") AND value

Group 2

Evaluation of back-up power source alternatives to mitigate load shedding at Mall X in the Western Cape

Suggested keywords: 

  • "capital investment" AND appriasel AND ("solar power" OR "alternative energy" OR generators) AND (retail OR retailers)
  • "south africa" AND "solar power" AND investment 
  • "south africa" AND electricity AND (generators OR generation) AND investment 

Group 3

Investigating the foreign currency hedging strategies of a South African automotive components manufacturer

Suggested keywords:

  • Hedging AND treasury AND “automotive industry” AND (currency OR “foreign currency”) AND derivatives
  • Hedging AND “automotive industry” AND (currency OR “foreign currency”) AND derivatives
  • Hedging AND “automotive industry” AND derivatives

Group 4

Strategies to benefit small-medium-size entities in the competitive food industry

Suggested keywords:

  • restaurant AND efficiency AND (SME's OR "small and medium-sized enterprises")
  • restaurant AND ("supply chain" OR "value chain") AND analysis AND (SME's OR "small and medium-sized enterprises")
  • (SME's OR "small and medium-sized enterprises") AND restaurant AND benefits AND strategies 

Group 5

Optimising Outsourcing and In-house Production in the Wine Industry: A Case Study on Costs, Benefits, and Risks for Long-term Sustainability

Suggested keywords:

  • outsourcing AND production AND ("wine farms" OR "wine industry") AND (risks OR benefits OR costs) AND sustainability 
  • outsourcing AND production AND "wine industry" AND sustainability 
  • "wine industry" AND production AND ("long term sustainability" OR "long-term sustainability)"

Group 6

Identification and mitigation of reputational risks in the wine industry

Suggested keywords:

  • reputation AND management AND "wine industry" AND "south africa"
  • "reputational risk" AND management AND "wine industry" AND "south africa"

Group 7

The impact of a foreign takeover on a South African company in the telecommunications industry

Suggested keywords:

  • "telecommunications industry" AND (mergers OR acqititions OR take-overs OR "take overs" OR takeovers) AND "south africa"
  • "telecommunications industry" AND "foreign takeovers" OR "foreign take-overs" OR "foreign take overs") AND "south africa"

Group 8

Strategic Analysis of Blue Mountain Procurement Limited (BMP)

Suggested keywords:

  • ("hospitality industry" OR "hospitality sector") AND ("strategic analysis" OR "business strategy")
  • ("hospitality industry" OR "hospitality sector") AND "SWOT analysis"
  • ("hospitality industry" OR "hospitality sector") AND "PESTEL analysis"
  • "SWOT analysis"
  • "PESTEL analysis"

Group 9

The intricacies of Imperial Logistics Ltd. delisting from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE)

Suggested keywords:

  • (“Delisting process” OR “delisting requirements” OR “dual listing” OR delisting) AND benefits AND “determination of synergy”
  • (“Delisting process” OR “delisting requirements” OR “dual listing” OR delisting) AND benefits

Topic 10

Solar for Small-Medium Enterprises: A Porter's Five Analysis of Entering the Solar Energy Market

Suggested keywords:

  • "solar energy" AND market AND "south africa"
  • "solar energy" AND market AND entry AND "south africa"
  • "Porter's five forces analysis"
  • "product life cycle analysis"

Evaluating information - CRAAP Test


Suggested Databases

Google Scholar
Google (for industry & company information)
Sabinet African Journals

EBSCO Host (Academic Search Premier, Africa-Wide Information, Business Source Premier & EconLit)
Marketline Advantage (industry research reports)
Fitch Connect (company financials and industry research reports)

IRESS (For Company Financials, reports, market reports, company documents etc.)

SAGE Research Methods Online (for specific research methods and more information such as Literature Reviews, Academic Writing etc.)

See the Stellenbosch University Library A-Z database list for more.

Suggested Scholarly sources: Links to Journals, Encyclopedias etc

Economist ( Weekly newsmagazine: world politics and current affairs, business, finance and science)

Harvard Business Review   ( Journal: Presents analysis of management problems and helpful commentary on advanced thinking and practice in all fields of management and administration)

Newspapers eg Business Day  (Newspaper )

MIT Sloan  Management Review  (Journal: Refereed articles, commentary and reviews by management academics, consultants and practitioners on what's most useful in current management theory and practice and cross-functional perspectives on management issues written for professional managers)

Long Range Planning  (Journal: Original articles in the field of strategic planning, which aims to focus the attention of senior managers, administrators and academics on the concepts and techniques involved in the development and implementation of strategy and plans)

New Palgrave dictionary of Economics (Scholarly Reference work :classic and foundational articles of enduring importance ,includes entries on topical issues including gender and economics, recent economic crises in the European Union and beyond, health economics and the economics of the Internet)

Searching Slides

Accessing Journals/Magazines


Use the Stellenbosch Harvard Style to ensure you are referencing correctly. 

A few referencing tips:

  • Know the Referencing Style that you are using.
  • Make sure what you are referencing, different material types are displayed differently in the bibliography
  • Makes sure that your in-text citations match your bibliography
  • Most important, be CONSISTENT

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Plagiarism is the act of taking others' work and presenting it as your own. It can be deliberate or unintentional. To avoid plagiarism, it is important to reference the sources that you are using for your assignments. Read more on Plagiarism.