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Social Work: ORCID at SU


Please contact your faculty librarian or Research Impact Services or Research Commons staff if you have any questions about ORCID.

See below an introductory video on what ORCID is, the benefits of having an iD, how to connect your iD with the SU integration, etc. 

View this "Set up your ORCID iD" video tutorial series on the ORCID webpage. It includes all the different steps to register and populate your ORCID record. 

ORCID implementation at SU

You are invited to create your ORCID iD and connect it with your Stellenbosch University unique identifier.  Please click on the button below. If you already have an ORCID iD, please sign in to your account from the button below and connect your iD with your SU iD. (It is advised to use your e-mail address to create your iD)

Although ORCID is free for anyone to register, Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service saw the need to subscribe as an institutional member to take advantage of the full features of ORCID, such as integrating with researcher information systems, the institutional repository (SUNScholar), grants and contracts and HR systems. 

What are the benefits of an ORCID iD for you as researcher?

  • As a researcher you want to be read, acknowledged, and cited - ORCID improve the visibility of your work.
  • Researchers want to spend their time on research, not reporting – ORCID allows you to enter your biographical details and works only once and it could then be reused by other research information systems, publishers, funders. You could also allow publishers, institutions (such as Stellenbosch University) and databases such as Crossref to use your ORCID information and to update automatically. A good example is Crossref. If you allow Crossref to update your ORCID record it will from then on add your new publications automatically to your ORCID record.
  • Name ambiguity is a fundamental issue for researchers. Ambiguity may be the result of a common name, by a person with several language variants of their name, or by variations in how name information is collected. By creating your ORCID iD this issue will be resolved.
  • To support discoverability, we need to connect information across databases, disciplines, organizations, and nations.  A persistent name identifier addresses both challenge.
  • National funding agencies are using ORCID in their grants management systems including the National Research Foundation (NRF) who is working on an integration with ORCID at the moment. READ THE NRF ORCID STATEMENT (7 April 2017)

What are the benefits of connecting your ORCID iD to your SU identity?

  • Your ORCID iD should simplify your life as a researcher by connecting it with institutional systems which will re-use already available information for publication data management and reporting, for example.
  • By connecting your ORCID iD to your SU identity will for the moment only store access to your ORCID iD for the University to use in future integrations with ORCID.
  • The next phase of the ORCID implementation will include integrations with the Institutional Repository, SUNScholar and the Open Access scholarly journals hosted by Stellenbosch University, SUNJournals. Other integrations might follow.