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Visual Arts: Books

Recommend a purchase

This is for staff members only

Key electronic reference works for Visual Arts

Key reference works for Visual Arts

Reference shelves lower level – green disks

Anatomy for the Artist  R743.49 BAR

Contemporary Photographers  R770.92 CON

Great Artists of the Western World 18 vols.  R709.22 GRE

South African Arts Directory  R700.968 DOL

The Dictionary of Art 34 vols.  R703 DIC

The Dictionary of South African Painters and Sculptors  R770.92 OGI

Faculty librarian

Profile Photo
Marleen Hendriksz
Office 10 - Lower Level - Room 2044
Stellenbosch University Library
Private Bag X5036
Stellenbosch 7599
South Africa
+27 21 808 3312 :