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History: History 244 assignment / Geskiedenis 244 Opdrag Dr Sishuwa

General remarks

I have put a small selection of books on Short loans for the History 244 topics. See references in footnotes or at the back of the books for more sources.

Please search the library catalogue for more books.

Also use the following databases for journal articles:

Google Scholar

Sabinet African Journals


(See down below guides and links to the suggested databases)


Topic 1

Harry “Breaker” Morant and Peter Handcock

On the Reference shelves lower level – green disks

Dictionary of South Africa biography R920.068 DIC vol III p629

Short loans: see History Chetty 244

SHOOT STRAIGHT, you bastards! - Nick Bleszynski

Breaker Morant and the Bushveldt carbineers – Editor Arthur Davey

Journal articles:

Google Scholar: search with Breaker Morant – exclude the movie reviews ‘ Go to at least page 3 on Google Scholar

Sabinet African Journals


Topic 2

Abraham Stockenstrom le Fleur

On the Reference shelves lower level – green disks

Dictionary of South Africa biography R920.068 DIC

Short loans: see History Chetty 244

The Griqua conundrum - Linda Waldmand

Adam Koks’s Griquas – Robert Ross

Journal articles

There are also excellent articles on Google Scholar with many other references (see the reference list of the articles)

Come and see me at Desk 6. I have an journal article available on the topic


Topic 3

Life and Influence of the Xhosa prophet Makhanda (Makana)

Please note that in the older books and articles he is referred to by the name Nxele

On the Reference shelves lower level – green disks

Dictionary of South African Biography _ R920.068 DIC Volume 1 p 596(Nxele)

Short loans:see History Chetty 244

The return of Makhanda Exploring the legend

Frontiers – Noël Mostert (see index at the back – search for Nxele)

Journal articles:

Google Scholar use keywords: Makana Xhosa OR Makhanda Xhosa


Topic 4

Slave life at the Cape

Short loans: see History Chetty 244

The shaping of South African Society 1652-1840 – Edited by Richard Elphick Chapter 3 and 4

Cape of torments: slavery and resistance in South Africa - Robert Ross

Electronic copy via the library catalogue The Shaping of South African Society 1652-1840

Trials of Slavery – editor Nigel Worden

Portrait of a Slave Society – Karel Schoeman

Early Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope 1652-1717 - Karel Schoeman

Journal articles:

Google Scholar

Sabinet African Journals


Topic 5


Short loans: see History Chetty 244

Infectious Diseases of livestock – volume 2 Chapter 74 page 735+

Journal articles:

Sabinet African Journals

Google Scholar keywords rinderpest “south africa” 

                                Runderpes “south Africa”

For the serious researcher please come and see me at DESK 6 : please make an appointment. I have 3 rare government publications dating from this period.


Topic 6

Criminal and crime syndicates on the Witwatersrand

On Short loans: see History Chetty 244

Die Aard en Omvang van Misdaad aan die Witwatersrand sedert die Ontdekking van Goud tot 1896

Journal articles:

Google Scholar keywords: syndicates Witwatersrand

Sabinet African Journals


Topic 7

Bulhoek Massacre

Short loans: see History Chetty 244

Because they chose the plan of God : Robert Edgar

Great Lives: Pivotal moments – Lauren Segal Page 24

For the serious researcher please come and see me at DESK 6 : please make an appointment. I have two government publications for this topic at my desk.

Journal Articles:

Google Scholar : keyword bulhoek massacre

Sabinet African Journals

Topic 8

Black women protest against apartheid measures

Library catalogue for books: women activists South Africa

Journal articles:

Google Scholar: keywords – women anti apartheid struggle (use your own keywords as well)

Sabinet African Journals


Topic 9

SA Military campaign in German South West Africa

Library catalogue for books- South Africa and german south west africa

Short loans: see History Chetty 244

Louis Botha’s war – Adam Cruise

Also search on the library catalogue eg: louis botha for example

Louis Botha: a man apart – Steyn Richard 968.052092

Urgent imperial Service – Gerald L’Ange

Journal articles:

Google Scholar

Sabinet African Journals