Does your research output based on DOMUS collections feature here? Please help us to add your research output based on DOMUS collections by e-mailing the relevant bibliographic information of your research to |
ium, Magtild J. 2006. Die laat klavierwerke van Arnold van Wyk. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.2007
Claassen, Hanrich. 2007. 'n Orkestrasie van Arnold van Wyk se Nagmusiek. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Kleynhans, Cara. 2007. Steven de Groote (1953-1989): Die loopbaan van 'n Suid-Afrikaanse konsertpianis. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Johnson, Elzahn. 2008. Die bydraes van vroue aan die Konservatorium 1905-2005, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. BMusHons. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Botha, Yolanda. 2009. Ontstaansgeskiedenis van Die Oranjeklub, met spesiale verwysing na die bevordering van die Suid-Afrikaanse toonkuns. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
De Jongh, MS. 2009. A national electronic database of special music collections in South Africa. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [See also Directory of South African music collections]
Pinto Ribeiro, Bruno Alfredo. 2009. Exploring authenticity in performance: A comparative performance analysis of Arnold van Wyk’s Night Music for piano. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Venter, Carina. 2009. The Influence of early apartheid intellectualisation on twentieth-century Afrikaans music historiography. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Vos, Stephanie. 2009. Exploring displacement as a theoretical paradigm for understanding John Joubert's opera 'Silas Marner'. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Roos, H. 2010. Opera production in the Western Cape: Strategies in search of indigenization. Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Includes chapter on the Eoan Group. See for the Eoan project].
Stimie, Annemie. 2010. Cosmopolitanism in early Afrikaans music historiography, 1910-1948. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Jewish Music archive]
Froneman, Willemien. 2012. Pleasure beyond the call of duty: Perspectives, retrospectives and speculations on boeremusiek. Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Lambrechts, L. 2012. Ethnography and the archive: Power and politics in five South African music archives. Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Stolp, Mareli. 2012. Contemporary performance practice of art music in South Africa: A practice-based research enquiry. Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Konservatorium collection programmes]
Schonken, Philip Antoni. 2013. Authorship and ownership of UShaka KaSenzangakhona. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Thom Wium, Magtild Johanna. 2013. Contextual readings of analysis and compositional process in selected works by Arnold van Wyk (1916-1983). Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Van Rhyn, Chris. 2013. Towards a mapping of the marginal: Readings of art songs by Nigerian, Ghanaian, Egyptian and South African composers. Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Oosthuizen, Magdalena Johanna. 2014. Arnold van Wyk as liedkomponis: ’n Ontsluiting van die liedere in die Arnold van Wyk-versameling by die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
Behr, Annemie. 2019. Constructing history from music reportage: Jewish musical life in South Africa, 1930-1948. Doctoral dissertation. Pretoria: Unisa. [SUNDigital: South African Jewish music articles]
Pistorius, Juliana M. Authenticity as resistance: Apartheid and Eoan’s La Traviata. Doctoral dissertation, University of Oxford.
Delport, Wilhemus. 2020. Piano sonatas by South African composers, 1900-2015: A catalogue and compositional analysis of selected works. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation. University of Cape Town.
Waggie, Ashrudeen. 2020. ‘It’s just a matter of time’: African American Musicians and the Cultural Boycott in South Africa, 1968-1983. Unpublished Master’s thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Hidden Years Music Archive collection].
Davids, Féroll-Jon. 2021. Gordon Jephtas (1943-1992), a coloured life in opera. Masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Eoan collection, Embargo]
Deane, Nicola. 2021. Decentring the archive: Visual fabrications of sonic memories. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [DOMUS collections in general]
Lamprecht, Dorathea, J. 2021. Tygerberg Children's Choir: History and identity. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Tygerberg Children's Choir collection].
Tremble, Caron. 2022. Remembering the past: Apartheid and the careers of six Coloured performing musicians in the field of Western art music. Master’s thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [CPO collection]
Ncume, Pakama Sibongile. 2023. Being public: Musicians and the Market Theatre Café, 1976. Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Hidden Years Music Archive collections]
Gollom, Ingrid. 2024. South African concert pianists: An overview. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [John Bailey, Bosman di Ravelli and Lionel Bowman collections]
Malan, Eon. 2024. Vir die Musiekleier / To the Director of Music: Bydraes tot navorsing van orrel- en kerkmusiek (1980-2020). Unpublished masters thesis. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [SAKOV collection]
Struwig, Mieke. 2024. An intellectual history of institutionalised music studies in South Africa. Unpublished Doctoral dissertation. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University. [Bernard van der Linde and SASRIM collections]
Note: For Online versions of Stellenbosch University music theses and dissertations, please see SUNScholar: Department of Music.
Blake, Michael. 2007. South African composers on the world stage: The ISCM in South Africa . Fontes Artis Musicae, 54(3):359-373, September.
De Jongh, Santie. 2007. From St Petersburg to the Cape: Three autobiographical texts by Albert Coates. Fontes Artis Musicae, 54(3):320-330, September.
Ross, Barry. 2007. Maestro and Commander: The Michael Scott collection at the University of Stellenbosch. Fontes Artis Musicae, 54(3):331-358, September.
Grové, Izak. 2008. Lewe-ín-werk: Outobiografiek in Arnold van Wyk se musiek. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 48(1), Maart:1-12.
Muller, Stephanus. 2008. ‘Arnold van Wyk’s hard, stony, flinty path, or making things beautiful in apartheid South Africa’. The Musical Times, Winter:61-78.
Muller, Stephanus. 2008. Musiekgeskiedenis en fiksie: Hans Holleman en Arnold van Wyk in Holmer Johanssen se roman 'Gety'. LitNet Akademies, 5(1), Augustus.
Thom-Wium, Matildie. 2008. Arnold van Wyk se 'Ricordanza' as musikale aandenking. LitNet Akademies, 5(2), Oktober.
De Jongh, M.S. 2009. The creation of an electronic database of South African music collections. Musicus, 2009:24-29. [See also Directory of South African music collections]
Thom Wium, Matildie. 2010. “My country, my dry forsaken country”: On exile in Arnold van Wyk’s, N.P. van Wyk Louw’s and Ovid’s 'Tristia’, Musicus, 38(1):25-35.
Froneman, Willemien. 2011. The Riches of Embarrassment. Critical Arts, 25(2):309-315.
Muller, Stephanus. 2011. Miniature blueprints, spider stratagems: A Michael Blake retrospective at 60. The Musical Times, 152(191):1-22, Winter.
Thom-Wium, Matildie. 2010-2011. An intertextual reading of the ‘Elegia’ from Arnold van Wyk’s Duo Concertante. SAMUS, 30-31:87-128.
Venter, Carina. 2011. Die verband tussen vroeë apartheidsintellektualisering, Afrikanermusiekhistoriografie en die ontluiking van 'n apartheidsestetika in die toonkuns: Westerse kultuur, Afrikanernasionalisme en "O Boereplaas". Litnet Akademies, 8(3), Desember.
Froneman, Willemien. 2012. She danced alone: Jo Fourie, the songcatcher of the Groot Marico. Ethnomusicology Forum, 21(1):53-76.
Roos, Hilde. 2012. Indigenisation and history: How opera in South Africa became South African opera. Acta Academica, Supplement(1):117-155.
De Jongh, M.S. 2013. Anarchy in the archive again: An account of a South African punk rock music collection. Fontes Artis Musicae, 60(2):63-75, April-June. [Ernesto Marques collection]
Grové, Izak. 2013. Tussen Bethlehem en Bloubergstrand: Vanaf die oue na die eie in Stefans Grové se oeuvre. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 53(2):138-155. [Stefans Grové collection]
Thom-Wium, Matildie. 2010-2011. Die bydrae van Stefans Grové se 'Raka' tot die Raka-diskoers (The contribution of Stefans Grové's 'Raka' to the Raka discourse). Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 53(2):231-247, Junie. [Stefans Grové collection]
Roos, Hilde. 2014. Probing the boundaries of opera as notated practice in South Africa: The case of Eoan. Muziki, 11(2):79-88. [Eoan Group collection]
Roos, Hilde. 2014. Remembering to forget the Eoan Group: The legacy of an opera company from the apartheid era. South African Theatre Journal, 27(1):1-18. [Eoan group collection]
Roos, Hilde. 2014. Viva Verdi: Ringing the changes at Cape Town Opera. Acta Musicologica, 86(2):249-266. [Eoan Group collection]
Lambrechts, Lizabé. 2016. Performing the aporias of the archive: Towards a future for South African music archives. Historia, 61(1):132-54.
Roos, Hilde. 2016. Briewe aan 'n diva: Die verswyging van gay-identiteit in Gordon Jephtas se briewe aan May Abrahamse. Litnet Akademies, 13(1), Januarie.
Froneman, Willemien. 2017. After fame: A micro-ethnography of popular late style. Popular Music and Society:1-16. [Nico Carstens collection]
Lucia, Christine. 2016-2017. General Introduction to the Mohapeloa Critical Edition. SAMUS, 36/37:178-236. [Christine Lucia collection]
PLitnet Akademies, 14(3).
auw, Marietjie. 2017. Naklanke van Arnold van Wyk se Poerpasledam vir fluit en klavier.Pistorius, Juliana M. 2016-2017. Eoan, assimilation, and the charge of 'Coloured Culture'. SAMUS, 36/37:389-415. [Eoan Group collection]
Pistorius, Juliana M. 2017. Coloured opera as subversive forgetting. Social Dynamics, 43(2):230-242. [Eoan Group collection]
Melck, Antony. 2017. Richard Behrens (1925-2014): Au coeur de l'Afrique du Sud. Orgues Nouvelles, 10(35):36-39, January. [Online version: University of Pretoria]
Pistorius, Juliana M. 2018. Eoan, assimilation, and the change of 'Coloured Culture'. SAMUS, 36/37(1):389-415. [Eoan group collection]
Stolp, Mareli. 2018. New Music for new South Africans: The New Music Indabas in South Africa, 2000-02. Journal of the Royal Music Association, 143(1):211-232. [NewMusicSA collection]
De Jongh, Santie. 2006. Music collections at the Documentation Centre for Music (DOMUS), Stellenbosch University, with special reference to the Coates collection. New directions, new voices: Founding Conference of a new music association by the Musicological Society of Southern Africa and the Ethnomusicological Symposium, 14-16 September.
Grové, Izak. 2006. Of love, death and forsakenness: Revisiting Arnold van Wyk's 'Night music'. New directions, new voices: Founding Conference of a new music association by the Musicological Society of Southern Africa and the Ethnomusicological Symposium, 14-16 September.
Lüdemann, Winfried. 2006. Arnold van Wyk's 'Primavera': Music of a new South Africa. New directions, new voices: Founding Conference of a new music association by the Musicological Society of Southern Africa and the Ethnomusicological Symposium, 14-16 September.
Muller, Stephanus. 2006. The classical structure of melancholy. New directions, new voices: Founding Conference of a new music association by the Musicological Society of Southern Africa and the Ethnomusicological Symposium, 14-16 September.
Thom, Mathildie. 2006. 'Egidius, aer bestu bleven?': Arnold van Wyk se 'Rondo desolato' (Tristia) as 'n lied sonder woorde. New directions, new voices: Founding Conference of a new music association by the Musicological Society of Southern Africa and the Ethnomusicological Symposium, 14-16 September.
Roos, Hilde. 2007. The history of opera in South Africa. First congress of the South African Society for Research in Music, Department of Music, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 23-25 August.
Ross, Barry. 2007. The Michael Scott collection at the University of Stellenbosch. Fontes Artis Musicae, 54(3):331-358, September. First congress of the South African Society for Research in Music, Department of Music, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 23-25 August.
Thom, Mathildie. 2007. 'But it doesn't mean anything! - So we put in words': The emergence of meaning in Arnold van Wyk's 'Tristia'. First congress of the South African Society for Research in Music, Department of Music, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 23-25 August.
Muller, Stephanus. 2008. Anton Hartman and Arnold van Wyk: The published correspondence 1941-1981. African voices: Annual SASRIM Conference, Port Elizabeth, 21-23 August.
Roos, Hilde. 2008. Complicity or survival: The history of Eoan under apartheid. African voices: Second Annual Conference of the South African Society for Research in Music, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth, 21-23 August.
Roos, Hilde. 2008. Eoan opera group. Colloquium, Stellenbosch University Music Department, 15 September.
De Jongh, M.S. 2009. Demonstration lecture on submitting entries for the RILM abstracts database. Postcolonialism & the future of music in South Africa: Society for Research in Music (SASRIM), Durban, 29 June-2 July.
De Jongh, M.S. 2009. The creation of an electronic database of South African music collections. Joint Conference of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) and the International Musicological Society (IMS), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5-10 July. [See also Directory of South African music collections]
Roos, Hilde. 2009. Probing the boundaries of opera as notated practice: Opera in South-Africa. Joint Conference of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) and the International Musicological Society (IMS), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5-10 July.
Roos, Hilde. 2009. Complicity or survival: The history of Eoan under apartheid. John Potter Summer Seminar held at the Music Department of the University of York, United Kingdom, July.
Thom Wium, Mathildie. 2009. Arnold van Wyk. Joint Conference of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) and the International Musicological Society (IMS), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5-10 July.
Froneman, Willemien. 2010. The riches of embarrassment: On traversing hegemonies. IMS-SASRIM Conference, Music Department, Stellenbosch University, 14-17 July.
Roos, Hilde. 2010. Opera in exile: The Eoan group. Music and exile: North-South Narratives Symposium, held at the Goethe Institute in Johannesburg as part of the Johannesburg International Mozart Festival, January.
Stimie, Annemie. 2010. Jewishness and music in South Africa: The Hans Kramer collection in the National Library, Cape Town. IMS-SASRIM Conference, Music Department, Stellenbosch University, 14-17 July.
Thom Wium, Mathildie. 2010. Mourning hegemony: Hearing Arnold van Wyk’s String quartet as an echo of Empire. IMS-SASRIM Conference, Music Department, Stellenbosch University, 14-17 July.
Van der Westhuizen, Natasje. 2010. Echoes of Empire: Music as vice in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace. IMS-SASRIM Conference, Music Department, Stellenbosch University, 14-17 July.
Venter, Carina. 2010. Place, space and ‘grain’: Our Mimi, a voice for (Apartheid) South Africa. IMS-SASRIM Conference, Music Department, Stellenbosch University, 14-17 July.
De Jongh, S. 2011. The creation of an electronic database of South african music collections. Fifth Annual Knowledge, Archives and Records Management Conference, Inkosi Lodge, Cape Town. 1-2 June.
De Jongh, S. 2011. The Documentation Centre for Music (DOMUS) at Stellenbosch University. 2nd International Symposium of Ethnomusicology in Uganda, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. 20-22 October.
Muller, S. 2011. The archive, disciplinarity and renewal: The DOMUS perspective. 2nd International Symposium of Ethnomusicology in Uganda, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. 20-22 October.
Muller, Stephanus. 2011. ISMN Panel Discussion, Pretoria, 13 September.
Roos, Hilde. 2011. On shaping and being shaped by Colouredness: Eoan and the politics of race. Fifth Annual Conference of the South African Society for Research in Music, Rhodes University, July.
De Jongh, S. 2012. Anarchy in the archive again: A story of a South African punk rock music collection. Annual Conference, International Association of Music Libraries Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML). Montréal, Canada 22-27 July.
Roos, Hilde. 2013. ‘Eoan – Our Story’, new ways of telling the Eoan story’. Seventh Annual Conference of the South African Society for Research in Music, University of Fort Hare, July.
Fourie, Paula. 2020. A historiography of District Six musical theatre, in C Matzke, L. van der Hoven, C. Odhiambo & H. Roos (eds.). African theatre: Opera & music theatre. United Kingdom: Boydell & Brewer. 29-51. [Taliep Petersen collection]
Röntsch, Marc. 2020. ‘No use calling yourself South African. South African is nothing’: Understanding and exploring the concept of place and nationhood in the life and music of Christopher James, in M. Rensen & C. Wiley (eds.). Transnational perspectives on artists' lives. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 77-89. [Christopher James collection]