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Afrikaans & Nederlands: Journals

e-Journals A-Z list

Alphabetical list of all the electronic journals that the SU Library Service subscribes to.

What is an academic/peer-reviewed article?

Peer-reviewed or academic articles are articles written by academics/experts/researchers on a specific field of study. These articles usually contain a bibliography at the end of the article and information on the author’s academic qualifications and university at the beginning of the article. A peer-reviewed journal article was reviewed by people with credentials in the article's field of study before being accepted for publication.


Hard copy journals in the library

Journals lower level - brown disks

Biografie bulletin 809.9359205 BIO

Bzzlletin (Compact storage) 839.3105 BZZ. (58-291),1978-2004 w (81,160,180,218-220)

Dietsche Warande en Belfort 839.3105 HOL

Dutch crossing : a journal of low countries studies  839.3105 DUT

Ensovoort   (Compact storage)  839.36105 ENS. 1-5,1981-1985 w 5(1)

Gids  839.3105 GID

Hollands maandblad  839.3105 HOL

Indische letteren  839.31090005 IND

Internationale neerlandistiek  439.3105 INT

Interpreter and translator trainer  418.0205 INT

Klasgids Compact storage 371.314393605 KLA. 1-37,1965-2002

Kriterium  Reference  839.3609 KRI. 1-3,1963-1966

Lexicographica  413.02805 LEX 

Literatuur   (Compact storage) 839.3105 LIT. 1-21,1984-2004 w 14(1-4)

Muratho  418.0205 MUR

Neerllandica Extra Muros  439.3105 NEE. (39-55),1982-1990 ; 29-45,1991-2007

De Negentiende eeuw 839.3105 NEG

Nieuwe Taalgids  (Compact storage) 839.3105 NIE. 1-88,1907-1995

Ons erfdeel  839.3105 ONS

Revisor 839.3105 REV

Standpunte  (Compact storage)  839.3605 STA. 1-39,1945-1986

Spiegel der Letteren 839.305 SPI

Taal en tongval  439.31705 TAA

Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde  839.3105 TIJ

Tirade 053.931 TIR

Tydskrifte vir Geesteswetenskappe 053.936 TYD. 1,1961+

Tydskrif vir Letterkunde  839.3605 TYD. 1-12,1951-1962 ; nuwe reeks 1,1963+

Translator  418.0205 TRA

Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans 839.305 TYD


Vestdijkkroniek (Compact storage) 839.313605 VES. (3/4-89),1974-1995


De Zeventiende eeuw 839.3105 ZEV