African Journals - Sabinet Full-text access to journals published in South Africa.
Africa-Wide Information - EBSCOhost (incorporating South African Studies and African Studies) |
PubMed - Medline bibliographic database of int biomedical literature of the National Library of Medicine. |
Examples of Vancouver referencing style |Make sense of referencing: In-text and reference list examples of the Vancouver method on p 34+ | Characteristics of the method on p 10.
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Main theme for 2021: Describing and controlling a communicable disease caused by a virus
Pubmed: One option would be to use the MeSH
Controlled vocabulary and search for Virus Diseases
Scroll down for a list of different viral diseases, Select a specific disease by clicking on the term,(for instance Chronic Fatigue syndrome). When page opens, scroll down to see synonyms used for this disease, such as Myalgia Encephalomyelitis.
Combine the various terms to broaden your search. Add the aspects such as epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis, prevention, control.
Use the Worksheet in the box below to compile your search string and use this string to search on the various appropriate databases for articles on your topic.
The following two databases may be good options to use for African and South African information (log in with your SU campus username and password)
African Journal Archive - Sabinet
Tip: When searching Google Scholar and for help in finding the full-text via the journal title, ensure your Library links is set up correctly.
Remember you need to reference your sources used, so make sure you get the detail.
Our Interlibrary loan service is available for your difficult to find articles(Check Google Scholar and E-Journals first).
If all else fail, your friendly librarians are available via ASK, or contact us via email to make an appointment
_________ AND (_______ OR ________) AND ( ______OR ______)
"Chronic fatigue syndrome" AND (viral OR virus) AND (epidemiolog* OR control OR prevention)
Search smarter, search faster, a video from the University of Sydney:
A Boolean Searching Library guide from Athabasca University: Tips for searching with Boolean logic. and learn how to conduct phrase searching.
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