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Medicine and Health Sciences: Psychiatry: Training

Medicine and Health sciences

Boolean operators


Examples of Vancouver referencing style  |Make sense of referencingIn-text and reference list examples of the Vancouver method  on p 34+  | Characteristics of the method on p 10.

How do I do my assignment? To find, access and use information effectively,
use the Step-by-Step Guide.

Find information: Search strategy| Find articles | Find full text articles

Use information responsibly:   Plagiarism | Turnitin | Referencing

Need further  assistance?
Drop me a visit in the Medicine and Health Sciences Library, contact me or Ask Us 


Authors of academic texts always need to acknowledge the sources they use for their research.

Follow the link below to learn why you need to reference, when and how you should provide references. The book covers the Harvard, APA and Vancouver methods and the footnote system.

Guides and turorials for using specific databases

Training 2022: Your library online, services, spaces & resources

Welcome to this session and guide which serve as introduction to your online library and resources to better equip you when you gather information for your assignment as PG Dipl Addiction care (2022-12845-778) student.

Online Books, Clinical Key,  Advanced Search;
Compile a search string
Databases: Pubmed (practical demo) Scopus,PsychArticles, Sabinet Reference, Africa Wide.

Guides & tutorials
Postgraduate guide

Library hours
 IL & contact details

For available spaces, services & resources, Room bookings, follow
MHS Library Interactive floor plan

Thank you for attending the training session. Kindly give me feedback by clicking here.


Example: Search string format using boolean logic

  stress  AND  (job OR work OR "clinical ward*")  AND ("mental health worker" OR  addiction care nurs*)

_____ AND  ( ___ OR ___ OR____ )  AND  ( ____ OR ____ )

Worksheet for search strategy: practical example

Key databases for Medicine & Health Sciences

Writing lab support

Details about all the workshops are available on the Writing Lab's website .
To secure your place in any of the workshops, just click on the workshop you would like to attend and click on ‘enrol now’.

 You’re welcome to contact Selene Delport, Coordinator: Workshops and other courses, from the SU Language Centre.

Book a meeting space

Browse 13 online books from Clinical Key

Search for Books & other items

Search SU libraries for Books & other items


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Yusuf Ras
Medicine and Health Sciences Library
Private Bag X5036
South Africa

+27 21 938 9365