Welcome to this Introductory guide to appropriate online library resources and research support available to you as MTN, MPHN, MFNS Structured & Research AND PhD postgraduate students (click link for overview of services and resources).
Practical session:
Overview of Library website - what is available and how to use
Libguide with supporting resources, tools and guides to assist & support > in class & refer back to
Compiling of search strategy using Boolean Logic and Tips
Conducting Database searches
Basics of Mendeley
Authors of academic texts always need to acknowledge the sources they use for their research.
Follow the link below to learn why you need to reference, when and how you should provide references. The book covers the Harvard, APA and Vancouver methods and the footnote system.
Biostatistics Clinic - from the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics - runs from 13:00-17:00 every first Wednesday of the month.
Your literature review: How to guide
Research Design
Research Methods
The Topic
Managing your references
- The why, when, how of referencing & Mendeley Libguide & pre-recorded Mendeley Workshop video.
Referencing: Examples of Harvard, Vancouver and other referencing styles
Worksheet: Develop a search strategy
Appropriate services delivered by dieticians for end-stage cancer patients
___ AND ( __OR __ ) AND ( __OR __ OR__)
(service OR program OR therapeutic) AND (dietetic* OR "human nutrition") AND (end-stage OR hospice) AND (cancer OR malignan*) - 24 results
Engage with the literature, incl MeSH > for finding synonyms, narrower, broader, alternative or additional terms; look in title, abstract, keywords, and adapt strategy accordingly, e.g
(service* OR program* OR therapeutic) AND (dietician OR diet* OR nutrition*) AND (end-stage OR hospice OR palliative) AND (cancer OR neoplasm* OR malignan* OR oncolog* OR tumor* OR tumour*) - 2 702 results
("Dietetics"[Mesh] OR diet*) AND ("Neoplasms"[Mesh] OR cancer*) AND (end-stage OR endstage OR hospice OR palliative) AND (service* OR program* OR therapy) - 1 081 results
Scan for Evaluation form