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Law & Government Publications: Government Publications


The Library and Information Service purchases e-books from various publishers, but some publishers sell their e-books to individuals only and do not allow libraries to purchase their books in an electronic format. Textbooks are especially problematic and are generally not available on platforms that academic libraries have access to.

Some of the e-books and e-book websites only allow access to a limited number of Stellenbosch University members at the same time. You will get a message that the book is not available, and you will have to try again later. However, in the time of COVID-19, some providers (such as Ebook Central and Ebsco Ebooks) have granted unlimited access to titles that SU have purchased access to on their website.

Consult the E-book LibGuide for more information regarding e-books. Students may find the section on “Downloading and printing SU e-books” especially valuable, as these are different for each e-book platform.

New website launched

The People's Assembly website available online.

The People's Assembly is intended to help build Parliament's ability, to hear what the public has to say, and to oversee government.


Discover info on your MP, such as


  •  comments made in committee meetings
  •  written questions they have asked in Parliament
  •  financial disclosures – such as how many houses they own, or companies they are directors of
  •  attendance record
  •  speeches in Hansard
  •  contact details

Government of SA

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What's news?

Parliament of SA

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Legislative Process

Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG)

Selected other African government gazettes

Early South African Legal Sources